SBI CBO Recruitment 2021
The State Bank of India Released new Notification For Circle based Officer Post.The Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply for this post and its All over india job. The candidates can apply anywhere in india. The selected candidates will be posted in their applied State/city only. The Application is started from 09.12.2021 to 29.12.2021.The Educational Qualification for this post is Any Graduate with minimum 2 years of Experience in bank. All other details given below which is detailed vacancy ,Salary details,Qualification,Experience details etc.
Organization Name | State bank of India |
Post Name | Circle based Officer |
Vacancy | 1226 |
Salary | Rs.36,000/- |
Qualification | Any Graduate |
Location | All over india |
Apply Mode | Online |
Last date | 29.12.2021 |
Post Details
The Candidates will have to apply for only one state.The Detailed Vacancy is given below. for Further Details kindly download PDF Notification.
Circles | State | Language | Vacancy |
Ahamedabad | GujartM | Gujarti | 300 |
Bengaluru | Karnataka | Kannada | 250 |
Bhopal | MP | Hindi | 150 |
Chattisgarh | Hindi | 50 | |
Chennai | TamilNadu | Tamil | 250 |
Jaipur | Rajasthan | Hindi | 100 | Total | 1100 |
Backlog Vacancy
Circles | State | Language | Vacancy |
Ahamedabad | GujartM | Gujarti | 54 |
Bengaluru | Karnataka | Kannada | 28 |
Bhopal | MP | Hindi | 12 |
Chattisgarh | Hindi | 2 | |
Chennai | TamilNadu | Tamil | 26 |
Jaipur | Rajasthan | Hindi | 4 | Total | 126 |
Educational Qualification
The candidates must possess any Degree( Graduate) from any discipline from recofnized university or any Equal Qualification.
Age Limit
The candidates must have been completed 21 years and should not exceed 30 years as on 01.12.2021. Age Relaxation is applicable for reserved candidates.The Detailed Age relaxation is given below.
Category | Age Relaxation |
SC/ST | 5 years |
OBC | 3 years |
PWD | 15 years |
EX-Serviceman | 5 years |
SBI Salary Details
The Candidates will get basic pay of Rs.36,000/-with gradepay of 1490/-applicable to junior management Grade Scale-1 plus one increament for each completed year of Service. And Other allowance also is there. the official also wil be eligible for DA,HRA,CCA ,Medical and other allowance as per rule.
Joining and Training
The Selected candidates will go for training for a period of 6 months from the joining the bank. The Circle based officers will be subjected to continue Assessment during training period for judgment of Suitability/Eligibility. The The candidates
The Candidates who Qualify in the Assessment will be confirmed for Junior management Grade Scale -1 . the candidates who not qualified in the Assessement will be terminated by SBI Officials.
Selection Process
The Selection Process will Consists of Written Test,Screening and Interview.
Written Test:
The written Test will be based on Objective type and Descriptive type. The Object Type test consists 120 marks for 120 Questions and time duration is 2 hours. and Descriptive Test will have 50marks and have 30 minutes time. the Descriptive paper will be conducted immediately after conclusion of Objective Test.
Test Name | No.of Ques | marks | Duration |
English language | 30 | 40 | 2 hours |
Banking Knowledge | 40 | 40 | |
General awarness | 30 | 30 | |
Computer Aptitude | 20 | 20 |
In the Screening thecandidates profile will be checked that match with Sbi CBO requirement and the candidates experience will be checked . if the candidates who not Qualify the Screening will be Rejected from the test. The candidates who Qualify in the Written test those candidates only move to Screening test.
The candidates who Qualify in the Written tets and screening will be Eligible for Interview. The Candidates who not qualify in the above two tests will not be eligible for interview. The candidates who selected for interview should submit their respective Caste Certificate. The selected Candidates will be posted where they applied. The Local Language is must.
Application Fee
The candidates who belongs to General/EWS and OBC should pay application fee of Rs.750/-. The candidates who blongs to SC/ST/PWD are Exempted from payment of fee. The Application is non-refundable. it will not refund at any cost. therefore candidates are reuired to check their eligiblity before payment.
How to Apply
- The Candidates are required to Visit Official Website.
- Before applying ,the candidates have to keep required Certificates and photo copies etc.
- Then Fill the application form Carefully with required details which is Name,Address,Educational qualifications ,Experience etc.
- The candidates should upload documents which is listed below.
- Recent Photocpy
- Signature
- ID Proof
- Existing Job profile
- Resume
- Educational Certificates
- Experience Certificates
- The Check the eligibility before payment. the application fee is not refundable.
- After Filling the form ,submit the application. then download the form for reference.
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