BEL Recruitment
Bharath Electronics Limited (BEL) Invited Online Applications from Eligible Candidates for the post of Project Engineer and Trainee Engineer. For this Post Freshers can Apply for the Trainee Post and Experienced People can apply for Project Engineer.Its Purely Contract Basis Work and 2 year contract period for Project Engineer and 1 year Contract Period For Trainee Engineer and which may extended to 2 more years.The interested and Eligible candidates may apply for these posts. all others Details are given Below.
Organization Name | Vacancy | Qualification | Salary | Last Date |
BEL | 511 | B.E/B.TECH | Up to 50,000 | 15.08.2021 |
Post Name | vacancy | Reservation | Location |
Trainee Engineer | 308 | UR-124,EWS-31,OBC-83,SC-47,ST-23 | Bengaluru Complex |
Project Engineer | 203 | UR-84,EWS-21,OBC-54,SC-30,ST-14 |
BEL Age Limit
The Upper Age Limit is Given Below for General and EWS candidates.The age limit will be Relaxable for SC/ST Candidates by 5 years and for OBC Candidates by 3 years and Canidates belong to PWD category Will get 10 years.
Post Name | Age Limit |
Trainee Engineer | 25 |
Project Engineer | 28 |
BEL Qualification
The Detailed Experience structure given below for both Trainee Engineer and Project Engineer.
4 years full time B.E/B.Tech Engineering Course from a Reputed university in the Engineering Disciplines of Electronics ,Electronics& Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication,Communication,Mechanical,Electrical,Electrical & Electronics,
First Class in the Indicated Qualifications for the General, OBC and EWS candidates. Pass class for SC/ST and PWD candidates.
The Experience Details are given below for Both Trainee Engineer and Project Engineer.
Trainee Engineer-I: Fresh Engineering Candidates may also apply . Fresh Engineers should have Completed 8th Semester and should produce Engineering Degree Certificate at the time of joining. The Candidates who are still pursuing not Eligible to apply
Project Engineer-I: The Candidates should have 2 years Post Related EXperience.only relvant Post Qualification Experience will be Considered. Candidates with Teaching/Research are not Eligible to apply
BEL Salary Detail
Salary Details are Given Below:
Post Name | Salary |
Trainee Engineer | 1st year Rs.25,000 2nd year Rs.28,000 3rd year Rs.31,000 |
Project Engineer | 1st year Rs.35,000 2nd year Rs.40,000 3rd year Rs.45,000 4th year Rs.50,000 |
Application Fees
Project Engineer-I: General,EWS,OBC Candidates are Required to pay Amount of Rs.500/- and SC/ST,PWD Candidates are Exempted from Payment of Fee
Trainee Engineer -I:General,EWS,OBC Candidates are Required to pay Amount of Rs.200/- and SC/ST,PWD Candidates are Exempted from Payment of Fee
Selection Procedure
Candidates should meet the Qualifying Criteria as specified in the advertisement.
A merit List will be Prepared based on the aggregate Percentage obtained in B.E/B.Tech and Work Experience . 75% marks will be allotted for B.E/B.Tech Marks and 10% marks will be allotted for work Experience and relavent Experience
The Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview in the ratio 1:5 and 15% marks for interview.
The result of the final selection will be available on Official Website
How to Apply
The Candidates are required to Visit Official weebsite to Apply.
Click Here to
Apply (link)
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