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BSF Recruitment 2021 notification Released for 65 posts Apply online

BSF Recruitment 2021

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The Border Force Security has invited online application for the posts of Assistant Sub inspector and storeman. eligible and interested male and female indian citizens for filling up the under mentioned vacancies in group c posts in the Border Security Force. Air wing through online mode only for vacancy year 2021

BSF Airwing Recruitment Notification PDF

BSF Job Details

Organization Name No of Post Post name Opening Date Last Date
Border Security Force 65 Assistant sub inspector Store man 27.6.2021 26.7.2021

Post Detail

S.No Name of post Total Vacancy
1 Assistant Aircraft Mechanic(ASI) 49
2 Assistant Radio Mechanic 8
3 Constable 8


S.no Name of Post Qualification
1 Assistant Aircraft Mechanic Three year diploma in the relavant trade recognized by the directorate general Civil aviation (or) Group X Diploma issued by the indian Airforce
2 Assistant Radio Mechanic 3 Years diploma recognized by the directorate general civil aviation in telecommunication or electronic engineering (or) Group X Radio diploma issued by the indian airforce
3 Constable Matriculation pass with science or equivalent from a recognized board. Must have 2 years work experience in the store or ware housing of any government.

Age Limit

S.No Post Name Age
1 Assistant Aircraft Mechanic Not exceeding 28 years as on the closing date of receipt of online apllication
2 Assistant Radio mechanic Not exceeding 28 years as on the closing date of receipt of online apllication
3 Constable Between 20 to 25 years as on the closing date of receipt of online apllication

Selection procedure

The selection procedure for the post of Assistant Aircraft Mechanic and Assistant Radio mechanic will be as under

Phase I

Written Examination

Subjects Questions Marks Duration
General awarness 25 25 2 hours
General English 25 25
Numerical Aptitude 25 25
Technical Subject 25 25

phase II

  • Documentaion
  • Physical standard Test
  • Physical Efficiency Test
  • Medical Examination
For Constable

Phase I

  • physical Standard Test
  • Physical Efficiency Test

Phase II

Written Examination

Subjects Questions Marks Duration
General awarness 25 25 2 hours
General English 25 25
Numerical Aptitude 25 25
Technical Subject 25 25

Phase III

  • Documentation
  • Medical Exmination
Application Fee
Candidates to pay Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) as examination fee through following payment modes :- (i) Net banking of any bank. (ii) Credit/Debit Card of any bank. (iii) Nearest authorised Common Service Centre.
BSF Syllabus

For Assistant Aircraft Mechanic

1. Thermodynamics – Principles, various cycles. 2. Basics about SI & CI engines with full coverage of various thermodynamic cycles like Otto cycle etc. 3. Jet Engines : (a) Definition. (b) Operating Principles. (c) Construction details (basics) (i) Air Intake. (ii) Compressor. (iii) Combustion chamber. (iv) Turbines. (v) Exhaust nozzle. (vi) Exhaust pipe. 4. Effects of ambient conditions (Temp, Pressure, Altitutde, Humidity etc) on engine performance. 5. Piston Engine. (a) Various definition like SHP, engine efficiency etc. (b) Construction components of piston engine. (i) Crankcase. (ii) Crank shaft (iii) Piston (iv) Connector rod (v) Valve mechanism (inlet & outlet valve) (vi) Exhaust system (vii) Magnetos & carburetor. 6. Propellers (a) Definitions. (b) Type-fixed pitch/variable pitch (c) General construction and operation 7. Fuel, oil and lubricants (a) Definition. (b) Properties – physical & chemical. (c) Uses. (d) Precautions in handling lubricants. Page 25 of 30 8. Metallurgy (a) General definitions in metallurgy. (b) General knowledge about cast iron, steel and other metals. (c) Rivets – type & its uses. 9. Heal treatment (a) Various definitions (b) General knowledge about various heat treatment process like case hardening, nitriding etc. (c) Various heat treatment processes to improve quality of steel or other metals. 10. Aerodynamics (a) Basic definition like Aerofoil, lift, drag, thrust, weight (Aerodynamic force). (b) Newton’s laws of motion. (c) General physic terms (i) Temperature. (ii) Pressure. (iii) Volume. (iv) Boyles laws (v) Charles law (vi) Thermodynamic equation or gas equation (vii) Mach No. (viii) Wave formation (d) Production of lifting, drag and other forces on an aircraft

For Assistant Radio Mechanic

1. Advantages of connecting cells in series and parallel. 2. Details of (a) Closed circuit. (b) Open circuit. (c) Short circuit. 3. P-N junctions in a semiconductor and effect of depletion layer. 4. Operation of circuits in which diodes are used. (a) Bridge rectifiers. (b) Full and Half wave rectifiers. 5. Operation of a transformers. Explanation of transformer losses. 6. Construction and working of a Cathode Ray Tube. 7. Construction and composition of Ni-Cd battery. 8. Faraday’s Law. Its usages in electronic theory. 9. X-OR gate with its mathematical equation. 10. Bernoulli’s principles and its application. 11. Secondary Emission and its advantages. 12. Resistance, Capaciting resistance and inductive reactance. 13. AC & DC motors. 14. Amplifiers, Generators. 15. FET & MOSFET and their application. 16. Integrated Circuits and their applications. 17. DI poles, Antennas, reflectors and directors. 18. Faraday’s law of induction, Boyals law and Charles’ law. 19. Effect of temperature on electric current

For Constable

1. Definition of store. 2. Prevention of theft in stores. 3. Duties and responsibility of store keeper. 4. Precaution to be taken for preventing deterioration of stores. 5. Definition of following terms:- (a) Requisition/Demand (b) Bin Card (c) Stock Ledger (d) Purchase order (e) Climate controlled store 6. Method for controlling temperature and humidity in a store. 7. How issue and receipts are done in a store. 8. How tyres and tubes are preserved in a store house. 9. Measures to be taken for security of ware house/stores. 10. Various modes of transportation of items. 11. How POL item are issued- whether First in First Out/Last in First Out/First in Last Out method is used. 12. Documents used for purchase of items. 13. Abbreviation various terms like: (a) DGCA (b) IAF (c) EMD (d) AWB (e) RR (f) MRP 14. Importance of aviation stores. 15. Precaution to be taken while transporting delicate items to the user. 16. Benefit of using computers in store keeping. 17. Various packing materials used for packing of electronic items.
How to apply

The application from the candidates must be submitted through ONLINE mode only. No other mode for submission of application will be accepted. The facility of submission of online application will be opened on BSF website www.bsf.gov.in w.e.f 27/06/2021 at 00:01 AM and will be closed on 26/07/2021 at 11:59 PM.

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