JRF & SRF Recruitment 2021
Anna university has announced new job vacancy for the post of Junior Research Fellow(JRF) and Senior Research Fellow(SRF) for the Duration of one year
Organization Name | Post Name | Vacancy | Last Date | Location |
Anna University | Junior Research Fellow | 1 | 05.07.2021 | Chennai |
Organization Name | Post Name | Vacancy | Last Date | Location |
Anna university | Senior Research Fellow | 1 | 15.08.2021 | Chennai |
Post Detail
For Junior Research Fellow
Post Name | No of Post | Duration | Pay Scale |
Junior Research Fellow | 1 | 1 year | Rs.31,000/-+HRA |
For Senior Research Fellow
Post Name | No of Post | Duration | Pay Scale |
senior Research Fellow | 1 | 1 year | Rs.35,000/-+HRA |
The Detailed Essential Qualification Given below:,
Junior Research Fellow
First Class in M.E/M.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology/Big Data Analytics/Software Engineering/Multimedia Technology/Equivalent) Selected through a process described through any one of the following
(I) Selected Through National Eligibility Test CSIR-UGCNET including lectureship(Assistant Professorship) and GATE
(II)Selected through nationa level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and Institutions such as DST,DBT,DAE,DOS,DRDO,MHRD,ICAR,ICMR,IIT,IIsc,IISER, etc
Senior Research Fellow
First Class in Master degree M.E/M.Tech in Any Branch of Life Science/biological Science.However the applicants with M.Sc as Qualifying Degree Must Have 2 years of Experinece
General Information
- Short Listed Candidates will be called for written test/Interview. No TA/DA will be given to candidates for attending the interview
- The date and time of online interview will be informed later to candiates by email only.Candidates should appear for interview along with their orginal certificates an dother relevent documents at the time of interview
- Selected candidates is also permitted to register for Ph.D programme in anna university chennai.
- The position is temporary
How to Apply
For Junior Research Fellow
Interested candidates should send the scanned copy of the filled-in application form (as per format attached) duly signed along with self-attested copies of educational qualifications, date of birth certificate, any other experience certificates, Mark sheets, evidence of any other academic credentials such as GATE/NET/Equivalent National Level Examinations qualified to the undersigned at dr.umasundar@annauniv.edu on or before 5th of July, 2021 by 5.00 pm.
For Senior Research Fellow
- Eligible and interested candidates are requested to submit their applications as per the below mentioned format on or before 15th August 2021 to the email ID j_tamilselvan@yahoo.in as a single pdf file. Applications received after due date and incomplete applications, if any, will be summarily rejected.
- Candidates found suitable in preliminary screening will be informed via email. A written test will be conducted once we receive large number of applications in order to shortlist candidates for interview. The necessary information will be communicated to the candidates by email.
- Selected candidates will have to work with Dr. Tamilselvan Jayavelu, Assistant Professor, Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai – 600025.
- Kindly note that the appointment to be made is purely temporary and co-terminous with the project
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